**National** Networking Skills: Making Networking Work for You

Networking Skills workshop: Making Networking Work for You

This interactive session will focus on how to network effectively to ultimately generate more business, for you and others in your room.

Do you meet in-person or online? We will cover both formats, sharing practical tips and tools to creating more business opportunities. You will meet others and get to practise some of the content in breakout rooms so please come prepared to participate fully in the whole of this session.

Event Information

Event Date 15-01-2025 1:00 pm
Individual Price FREE
Point of Contact Tatiana Jodko
Telephone Number 01923 891 996
Hosted by Al Tepper, Director Consultant
Event Registration URL https://www.bniconnectglobal.com/web/secure/appsEventsViewEventDetails?eventId=454915
Location On Zoom